
Top 7 tips to boost financial services content engagement

In the competitive financial services industry, establishing a strong online presence and engaging your audience through content marketing involves a considered, well-planned approach. Unlike finance itself, it’s less about numbers and much more about making meaningful connections with clients and building trust.

We’ve put together seven marketing tips tailored specifically for financial services business, that focus on driving engagement and forging lasting client relationships.

1. Know your audience inside out

Understanding your target audience is the foundation of effective content marketing. Dive deep into their demographics, financial goals, pain points, and preferences. Create detailed buyer personas to guide your content strategy. This knowledge will help you craft content that resonates and addresses their unique needs. Regularly update and reference these key audience groups when creating content calendars.

2. Deliver educational content

Financial topics can be complex and overwhelming for many people. Simplify intricate concepts through educational content. Create blog posts, infographics, videos, and webinars that break down financial jargon into easily digestible information. Offer solutions to common financial challenges, providing actionable advice that empowers your audience.

3. Use storytelling to connect

Narratives have a powerful impact on engagement. Share real-life success stories or case studies of clients who achieved their financial goals with your organisation’s guidance. Personal anecdotes and relatable experiences create an emotional connection with your audience and demonstrate your team’s expertise and experience in a relatable way.

4. Leverage social proof

Highlight client testimonials and reviews to build trust. Authentic endorsements from satisfied clients can be compelling content that reinforces credibility. Encourage clients to share their success stories – consider vlog-type pieces – showcasing how your financial services positively impacted their lives.

5. Address current financial trends

Spotlight your business’s knowledge of industry news and financial trends. Create content that explains or analyses the latest changes in the area of your financial services offering, e.g. financial regulations, tax laws, investment opportunities, or retirement planning. Sharing insights and commentary on newsworthy financial topics positions your company as a reliable source of up-to-date information.

6. Create interactive content

Engagement isn’t just about reading. Interactive content like quizzes, calculators, or budgeting tools deliver useful, practical outcomes for your target audience. These tools not only provide value but also encourage users to spend more time on your channels and interact with your brand.

7. Embrace video content

Audiences have spoken. Video is today’s most engaged-with content format. Create videos that explain financial concepts, offer market insights, or feature interviews with your financial experts. Live webinars and Q&A sessions are also excellent ways to engage directly with your audience in real-time. Upload these pieces of video content to your business’s YouTube channel and distribute through key social and professional networking channels. Consider paid campaigns to attract and engage new audience groups.

Bringing it all together

Building a successful content marketing strategy for financial services is centred around knowing your audience, educating them, and building trust through valuable, informative, and relatable content. By addressing your clients’ needs, simplifying complex financial concepts, and sharing stories of success, you can foster deeper connections and engagement with your audience.

Embrace different content formats, stay current with industry trends, and use social proof to further strengthen your reputation as a trustworthy financial services provider.

Get in touch: Content Empire works with a variety of valued financial services clients and understands the requirement for a bespoke, multi-channel content marketing approach. Please contact us, we’d love to share our ideas with you.

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